Week Eleven: Javier Cercas, Soldiers of Salamis
This week, the assigned book was Soldiers of Salamis by Javier Cercas. To be completely honest, I started this book very confused. I wasn't quite sure whether or not this book was a work of fiction or a biographical re-telling of true events. After watching the lecture video and doing some googling, I finally understood that it was a sort of mix of both, a historical fiction about real people that existed and real events that happened. When I went into this book, I went in without much knowledge on the history of Spain and its civil war. This text kind of forced me to do some learning about Southern Europe in the 1900s to understand the context that lies behind this story. As we near the end of this semester, I can see how there are a few major literary themes that have been consistently present in the texts that we read in the beginning, all the way to now. One of these major themes is memory and its significance in storytelling. From Proust, Paris Peasant, The Shrouded Woman, W ...